Champ Lexical: vêtements et circularité

Champ Lexical: clothing and circularity

Champ lexical is a series of discussions where the atelier b team discusses social issues related to the practice of design with people who are directly concerned by the subjects addressed. Freely inspired by our discussions within the team, this project is intended to be a space where we can share our experiences and slowly implement the changes that go hand in hand with our values. Sharing being limited by the space devoted to writing on social networks, we wanted another platform where we wouldn't be limited by the format. Available as a podcast or a video, each discussion will provide the opportunity to reflect on a sensitive, current issue or one that we want to understand better.

Listen to the podcast version

Episode 2: Clothing and circularity

The circular economy, eco-responsibility and craftsmanship in the clothing industry are at the heart of this discussion. We talk about Montreal sewing workshops, which are often small creative laboratories where innovations in sustainable development are born. With highly skilled collaborators:

- Maxime Saint-Denis, circular economy advisor for the textile sector,
- Annie Legroulx, ecodesign consultant and circular designer,
- Noémie Videaux Maillette, cofondatrice d’Entremaille, co-founder of Entremaille, a training centre for eco-design and circular clothing practices.

Facilitated by Anne-Marie Laflamme, co-founder of atelier b.

Suggested reading and resources:

Annie Legroulx
Chroma conseil
Ellen MacArthur Foundation
Fashion Takes Action
Fashion Revolution


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